Wednesday, 31 March 2010

My Double page spread article

I am really pleased with my main article's final outcome. I particularly am pleased with the bold quotes as it is very reminiscent of many articles seen on the shelves as an attractive yet persuasive feature.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Front cover contents page final

My final contents page consists of many elements in which i feel are successful in what i hoped to achieve. I am particularly pleased with my continuation of colour scheme which is reminiscent of a rock magazine.

Narrative style practice article

Now watch out, you fall and you’ll be gone into unknown territory.

We were there in the pitch black, icy water surrounding every gap and crevice in the rock tunnels. Having crawled, squeezed, and fallen through the several angular routes, it wasn’t long before we had established the particular route in which we had embarked upon, was slightly more dangerous than one for your average beginner. Our instructor, a loud comical lady shuffled along the ledge in front of us. When we asked what would happen should we fall into the white water rapids below she cheerfully replied and without hesitation, “you’ll die”. Horrified and even more determined to keep our footing she continued on in front laughing away to herself.

It wasn’t easy navigating through the caverns, spacious, cramped and at that particular time of year, FLOODED! “just keep to the right guys then you can go stand under the waterfall up ahead”. Yeah of course … cos it’s not below freezing.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Front Cover Final

This is my final front cover. I have balanced it out with text and images to fit with my rock theme. I am very pleased with the main image as i used many effects on it, such as blur and smudge on the right side using photoshop to make it unique.

Contents Page Layout Design

Front Cover Possibility Drawn Out

This was my original idea for a cover. I have included a unique and yet bold title and the center picture as the main focus.